When a child’s first tooth pops in, you may be wondering how to care for baby teeth. Though they are not permanent teeth, they help your child learn to speak properly and preserve the place where adult teeth will eventually grow in. This is why it is important to take good care of them and prevent rotting.
When baby’s first teeth pop in, you’ll want to use a toothbrush. Find one with a small head, very soft bristles, and a large handle. Some manufacturers make toothbrushes specifically for babies. Simply use water to lightly brush off plaque and keep teeth clean. As more teeth grow in, near the age of 2, you may begin to use a very tiny amount of amount of non-fluoride toothpaste – the size of a pea. At age 3, or whenever your child will not swallow toothpaste, you may begin to use fluoride toothpaste.
Avoid Cavities
Babies’ teeth are softer than adult teeth and can discolor and rot easily. To avoid cavities, minimize juice intake and do not allow baby to go to bed with a bottle of milk (or juice). Babies often use the bottles for comfort and fall asleep with them in their mouths, leading to milk sitting on the teeth all night. This is a surefire way to develop cavities on the front teeth.
Visit the Dentist
The American Dental Association recommends that your child has their first dental exam around age 1, but most pediatricians agree that you may wait until the child is 3, as long as you take care of baby’s teeth at home.
Maintaining a healthy smile for your child can help allow their adult teeth emerge healthily. Be sure to implement these tips when caring for baby teeth to help your child’s smile stay bright and beautiful.