Most people experience jaw pain from time to time. This tends to be passing pain, like when you yawn a little too widely or take too large of a bite, or have dental work done. However, for some people, the pain can be long-lasting and can radiate around the head, causing misery. Women are more prone to having jaw pain, making up approximately 70% of the people affected. While everyone will experience TMJ differently, some of the more common TMJ symptoms include the following:
1. Popping And Clicking Jaw
When you open your jaw wide, if you notice any popping or clicking around the jaw, you may be suffering from TMJ; even if this is your only symptom and does not require treatment, you should inform your dentist on your next visit and prevent it from worsening.
2. Jaw Pain
If you grind your teeth, you may end up having an uneven bite, and if your teeth are not aligned, your jaw will automatically try to compensate for the misalignment. This automatic compensation can lead to overextending on one side and over-taxing the muscles connecting your jaw and skull. When this happens, pain can become present when chewing or opening the jaw widely in a yawn or even while talking.
3. Pain In General 
Sometimes the pain caused by TMJ can manifest elsewhere. Headaches and pains in the neck are common, the shoulder can also manifest this pain, and in some cases, the patient might feel toothaches that are, in fact, caused by the jaw.
4. Muscle Fatigue
If you are constantly compensating for unaligned teeth, the muscles in your jaw are likely working overtime and, as such, tired. If you notice that one side of your face feels tired, consult your dentist.
5. Increased Chewing Effort
If chewing is becoming difficult, if you need to exert more effort to eat, it could be due to a misalignment. You should check your alignment in the mirror and see if you have to strain to keep it straight. If you notice any swelling in your face, you may have over-taxed your muscles resulting in inflammation. If any of these symptoms are ever-present, you should consult with your Plano dentist right away and address them right away.
Other symptoms are not as obvious, and you may miss them. For example, becoming dizzy and having trouble sleeping are common side effects of TMJ. Ear pain and blurry vision can also be caused by it as well as cluster headaches and pain in your temples. If you are not sure, have your dentist give you a diagnosis.
Not Sure if You Have TMJ, Let Dr. David H. Wilhite Help You
If you have tried at-home remedies for TMJ without the results you were hoping to get and just want the problem to go away, call us for an appointment. We have extensive training in bite-related disorders and TMJ – so much so that many local general dentists refer TMJ patients to Dr. Wilhite. Do not hesitate, call now at 972-964-3774 or visit our contact page today!